
Indian Railways Personnel Service

Helping Hand of Nation's Lifeline

Indian Railways Personnel Service
Helping Hand of Nation's Lifeline
IRPS Blogspot
Published By Blog Title Description Published Date Remarks
Tarun Goyal 2G of Smile! HR leaders need to inculcate the 2G – Gratitude & Giving in our everyday working of the organisation. 13-12-2020 Personal Opinions of Mr Tarun Goyal
Tarun Goyal Identity Circle! If you can expand your identity circle a bit more, you’ll find that you’re an incredible living creature on this planet. 24-01-2021 Views are personal to Mr Tarun Goyal
Tarun Goyal Black Hole Leaders! Differentiate between the ‘Charismatic leaders’ and the ‘Black Hole leaders’? 12-02-2021 Personal Opinions of Mr Tarun Goyal
Tarun Goyal Darkness Does Not Exist! In reality, only the light exists and it always exists. 21-03-2021 Views are personal to Mr Tarun Goyal