
Indian Railways Personnel Service

Helping Hand of Nation's Lifeline

Indian Railways Personnel Service
Helping Hand of Nation's Lifeline
Farewell Message of Dr. Anand S Khati, DG/HR, Railway Board
Dear Colleagues,

Working with you was an honour and privilege, a great gratification in true sense. I am going to miss you all so much, particularly the moments we have lived together, struggled together and rejoiced together.

After nearly four decades’ long inning, I am at a juncture to leave active live with Indian Railways and IRPS. The journey was like multiple cricket matches in a row, where we were facing 20:20, ODIs, Test matches simultaneously and compelled to yield many a time.

It was a tough journey, unfortunately, the ‘struggle for existence’ still remains after four decades of existence.  It will be unfair to say that I have no regrets, as many of my resolutions could not see light of the day and many a time it crossed to my mind that we were victim of multiple services in ‘Civil Services Exam’ which provide unforeseen disparities, not to mention the dichotomy of Civil and Engineering Services’ age profile we suffered for.

Under these odds, I still live in optimism with anticipations that irrespective of failures at my end in bringing ‘HR reforms in Indian Railways’ during my tenure, which in my opinion, is key to revitalize Indian Railways, Railways will introspect and some of you will ensure that it reaches to logical conclusion which will render me much desired relief as as a stubborn, I left no stone unturned, and left no forum in seeking justice but results allured me.

Fortunately in the last four decades, we have progressed well but there is still need to get recognized as true HR professionals.  Undeniably, HR is neither an ordinary function nor can be dealt by anyone and everyone like other specialized functions, which Railways has to understand after 40 years’ existence of this specialized cadre.  This is not we, but the Railways Reform Committee wanted that a robust HR system is much required in the Railways and we were brought in for the very purpose year after year.

No one can deny that Its a prominent function in any management set up worldwide and Indian Railways cannot be and should not be an exception, more for its humongous size of human resources and its 67% expenditure on salary and pension.

Today, I leave with some satisfaction that, I tried my best at every level and at every forum possible to see that HR and HR professionals in the Railways get there professional due. I firmly believe that HR is not anybody and everybody’s job but my predicament, I failed to impress upon those who truly matters.

It was observed that no one wants to delegate and allow others to manifest and perform, unfortunately we are the youngest setup in the Railways and have yet miles to go to seek justice else it could have been a win-win situation for both Indian Railways and IRPS, if the very objective of having HR cadre could have been achieved.

While taking a Goodbye is customary but four decades’ of togetherness is beyond taking just a goodbye.  I and my family will always remain part of IRPS fraternity and I sincerely hope whenever our path crosses, we will be able to exchange pleasantries and recall these wonderful years we had celebrated together.

Four decades memories of working together with you are the best gift to me for farewell. Many of you I would have preferred to interact personally but it could not materialize due to prevailing circumstances but I carry your sentiments and warmth for forever.

I pledge that whenever opportunity arises, I will remain committed for our cadre and Indian Railways as always.  The moments we have shared together, struggled together, rejoiced together are biggest treasure for us and will always be part of our core memory.

However, no one is perfect and bound to commit mistakes.  I have no hesitation in accepting the same for myself.  I am more than sure that I may have given few of you odd moments, I can convincingly say that without any prejudice, as I had no individual agenda than well being of my colleagues and my organization.  I tried my best but in the bargain, if I couldn’t come to your expectation, I deeply regret it.

I also regret for what I couldn’t do inadvertently but I was supposed to do.  Given the opportunity, I will never hesitate in seeking course correction but at this juncture I may be excused for my predicaments.

My best wishes stand for all of you and your family.  My prayer specially goes for you and your family for safeguard against Covid Pandemic and I wish you all from core of my heart wonderful years ahead.

With warmest wishes and thanks.
Dr Anand S Khati, FMS
